Pangea 230
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THIS IMMORTAL COIL, Where Are You, The World Ended A Long Time Ago (Ici d’ailleurs)
CATHERINE GRAINDORGE featuring IGGY POP, The Dictator, The Dictator (Glitterbeat Records/tak:til)
MAI MAI MAI, Il futuro perduto, Rimorso (Maple Death Records)
SIMONE LALLI, F:E:G fuoco e ghiaccio
DEEPCHILD, Now Suspended, Fathersong (Mille Plateaux)
AUTOMATISME & STEFAN PAULUS, Santis, Gap/Void (Constellation Records)
KABUKI DREAM, Giorgio MorOrwell, Abstract (Veidt Records)
ALIENATIONIST, 3 Mannerless, Don’t Worry, You Can Always Be Reborn As a Screenshot (Self-released)
DYLAN PEIRCE, Heights, Pindrops (Digital in Berlin)
JOYFULTALK, Body Stone, Familiar Science (Constellation Records)
HORSE LORDS, Mess Mend, Comradely Objects (RVNG Intl.)
CHERI KNIGHT, Prime Numbers, American Rituals (Freedom To Spend)
LINUS + ØKLAND/VAN HEERTUM/ZACH, Ostinato, light as never (Aspenedities Aspen)
STEVE FORS, it’s nothing, but still, it’s nothing, but still (Hallow Ground)
MAGNUS GRANBERG, Night Will Fade and Fall Apart For Ensemble, Night Will Fade and Fall Apart (Thanatosis Produktion)
Pangea è ideata, curata e condotta da Alarico Mantovani. Nasce come programma radiofonico di Radio Città del Capo nel 2014. Ora è diventata quattordicinale e viene trasmessa in streaming un martedì sì e un martedì no su Fango Radio con orario 18 – 19:30 (adottato a inizio 2022).