Halshug: in ascolto “Kæmper Imod.” dall’imminente Drøm
Con Drøm (uscita 19 luglio) i danesi Halshug arrivano al terzo lp, sempre per Southern Lord. Il comunicato stampa dice che la band espande il suo d-beat in varie direzioni: industrial, dark-wave, and post-punk.
Oggi possiamo ascoltare il nuovo pezzo “Kæmper Imod.” (oltre a “Fantasi”, già condiviso tempo fa). Il chitarrista del trio, Mathias Schønberg, ne parla così: “Kæmper Imod.” is a song about losing. The title translates to ‘resisting’ or ‘fighting back’ but the lyrics are defeatist as hell. Back when crust-punk was big there was often a sense of resist-to-exist kind of encouragement in the music – there is none of that in this one. This song is about being tied down and not having any agency. It’s about failing to resist. Fun fact though: I’m not sure if anyone can tell, but the guitar part was heavily inspired by a Smashing Pumpkins song.