BROTHER FIRETRIBE, Diamond In The Firepit
I Brother Firetribe sono una rispettatissima band finlandese che dal 2002 irradia il pianeta AOR con suadenti e virili composizioni che richiamano Dalton, Fate, Da Vinci, Treat e White Sister. A parte qualche stucchevole déjà vu, nel suo insieme questo album risulta molto piacevole ed elegante e il parallelismo armonico fra riff di chitarra, tastiere e chorus è catchy e coinvolgente. Tra gli highlight del disco, “For Better or For Worse”, un tripudio elettrico di orgoglio melodico, “Love’s Not Enough”, ricco di quella febbrile eccitazione che pervade le sonorità dei Red Dawn, e “Hanging By A Thread”, con il suo mid-tempo caldo e corposo.
English Version.
Brother Firetribe is a highly respected Finnish band that’s been radiating the AOR planet since 2002 with manly and persuasive compositions that recall Dalton, Fate, Da Vinci, Treat and White Sister. Aside from some tedious déjà vu, as a whole, this album is very pleasant and elegant, and the harmonic parallelism between guitar riffs, keyboards and choruses is catchy and addictive. Among the highlights, ‘For Better or For Worse’, an electric blaze of melodic pride, ‘Love’s Not Enough’, full of that feverish excitement that pervades the classic sound of Red Dawn, and ‘Hanging By a Thread’, with his warm and full bodied mid-tempo.
01. Intro
02. Love’s Not Enough
03. Far Away from Love
04. For Better Or For Worse
05. Desperately
06. Edge Of Forever
07. Hanging By A Thread
08. Trail of Tears
09. Winner Takes It All
10. Tired Of Dreaming
11. Reality Bites
12. Close To The Bone